Some Syrup Maple Products LLC
Come visit our brand new sugarhouse built in 2021 and see how maple syrup is made in the modern day! We are a family owned first generation maple syrup operation. We started making syrup 10 years ago with only 7 taps. We have expanded to over 600 taps on tubing and boiling on a 2x6 oil fired evaporator. We strive on cleanliness and quality in our maple syrup and maple candy operation. We have entered the Geauga Maple Festival every year. We have placed in the top 7 each year in syrup and we have won grand champion candy maker for the past 4 years. When you are here, enjoy maple candy and all 3 maple grade samples. We have our award winning maple syrup and maple candy available for purchase. Tours available all year long by appointment only.
Stephanie Bartlett
13946 Ravenna Road
Newbury, OH 44065
Email ID / Instagram ID –
Facebook – Some Syrup Maple Products