Nature's Sweetness / God's Bountiful Farm
Nestled on almost 90 acres, this second generation farm has 6 acres of both hard and softwood maple trees with over 1,000 taps. We no longer carry buckets to our sugarbush named: NATURE’S SWEETNESS. Now we use vacuum lines to bring the raw sap to our sugarbush, and it's a lot easier on our backs. Our wood fired CDL evaporator is 4' x 15' and holds a lot of sap when filled. The yield is often dependent on two factors sunshine and temperature fluctuation. Both affect the sap run and it's sweetness.
Our farm includes 15 acres of land dedicated to our summer vegetable CSA share harvest. Check out our website at for more information and pricing. On our farm we utilize Certified Naturally Grown farming techniques (same as organic) without the pricey oversight. No GMO seed, pesticides or harmful spray are ever used on our land. We also have approximately two hundred laying chickens that are free range and their diet includes Noah's custom feed mix that is SOY FREE. The farm includes a large hay field for our animals, a grazing pasture, green houses, a couple work horse teams (which we still use), our ponies - a few you will meet at the tour - and some other livestock. There is also a private, 2 bedroom, AirBnB Haven of Rest - available to rent,,,if you’d like to stay on the farm.
Looking forward to meeting you on the tour, you can sample some of our favorite maple recipes and purchase our delicious syrup and eggs!
17050 Nash Road
Middlefield Ohio 44062